Sunday, 13 March 2011

Butterfly Wings And Other Things...

Sweet-Pea has had an exciting few weeks.  The Friday of half-term she saw her boyfriend Sammy and got her face painted.  I was a bit worried as to how that would go as she had never had her face painted before but she just loved it!  Here is the final result:
Here she is getting it done - first she patiently waits...
Then we start on the wings...
Now her boyfriend Sammy got his face painted as well.  He is currently into Superheroes so he got his face painted like Spiderman.  This I might add was taken before Sammy panicked thinking that it was permanent at which point he tried to rub it off his face!
Another big exciting thing that happened was that Sweet-Pea met a CBeebies television presenter.  Over here, the CBeebies channel is for under fives and has no commercials.  Claire likes many of the programs that appear on this channel such as "Charlie and Lola," "Tweenies", "Postman Pat" and "Bob The Builder" to name a few.  Sweet-Pea met Katy from the show "I Can Cook."

My friend Lynn babysits Sweet-Pea and Smiler once a week while Hubby and I go out to eat a meal in peace and as it happens - she knows Katy!  We had watched the last series of the show which is really good.  Sweet-Pea loves to help me cook and loves all the songs that Katy sings and all the actions i.e. kids are encouraged to pretend they are mixing something or to spring up and rise like baking powder.  We have the cookbook that they put out and have made a few recipes from it.  Lynn knew how much Sweet-Pea liked the show so she made arrangements for Katy to come around and meet her.

Well - when Auntie Lynn opened the door and Katy was stood there, Sweet-Pea for once was speechless!  As Lynn said later "Well - if Brad Pitt walked through your door - you probably wouldn't believe it was actually him would you?"  However, Katy is a really lovely girl and put Sweet-Pea at ease right away and we had a really nice visit.  I learned a bit about how a television series was made and she told us a bit about her life which was really interesting.  She and Sweet-Pea had a lovely play and I took a few photos...

Then - to top off the evening, it was my step-daughter's birthday!  She had requested a "Hello Kitty" cake which I had spent much of the previous day making and I thought it turned out pretty good.

Due to the fact it was her birthday and she was about to devour almost an entire cake - she let me take a photo of her with Sweet-Pea!  A rare honour!
I have more Smiler-related news but it's been almost three weeks since I posted so at the moment, I'll end off with this. I wish I could be disciplined to write every day but with two small kiddies in the house and a part-time teenager - there are only so many hours in the day to get things done! 

Enough already - I'm pressing the Post button!

1 comment:

  1. I am super impressed with the Hello Kitty cake. And she is so grown-up now! A great photo of the two of them together.
