Wednesday, 16 March 2011

A Man On The Move

Smiler is growing up far too quickly.  I mean - just look at this:

Yes that is indeed his lovely first new tooth which came in February 5.  His second tooth came through on February 28 which was also the day he first crawled properly.  Not the commando crawling but proper lifting up his bum and crawling.  Then about four days later on March 1 - he decided that crawling was so yesterday and he would pull himself up to standing.  The following day, we had a cruiser on our hands!

It is lovely that he is now able to go where he wants...and it is awful that he is now able to go where he wants because it is almost always someplace I don't want him to go.  With his new skill and teeth coming in I feel like I have a small dog on my hands.  He is constantly pulling himself up around my legs.  He thinks our fingers are ideal teethers and I am continually throwing stuff up and out of the way so he won't get at it. 

But he is just so cute
We also finally moved him into his own room.  I had intended to perhaps clean his room (formerly the guest bedroom) and clear out some of the junk beforehand but I didn't manage it.  We were interrupting his sleep as much as he was interrupting ours and one night I just realised that I was tired of creeping around in the dark trying not to disturb him.  I had planned on him being in there for at least six months and as Sweet-Pea had been in our room until she was about eight or so months old, I thought it was a good time for him to go.  Also, I'll be returning to work in June and I wanted him to be well and truly used to his own room well before I headed back. 

All said and done it is working well.   This is him the day we moved the cot out.  We also had to lower the cot as he could now pull himself up.
Tomorrow, we will be completing another milestone.  We'll be buying him his first pair of shoes!  He is desperate to walk outside but I can't let him do it in his socks! 

So I'll sign off with one last photo.  My little ginger boy....sniff....


  1. What a cutie! I love that "little dog" stage. Though really I think they just get better and better as they get older.
