Saturday, 1 January 2011

A Blog and a Resolution

Hello and Happy New Year!
I have been planning on writing a blog for what seems like ages.  I have long wanted to do one as a way to express myself in addition to keeping in touch with friends and family.  I am hoping that by having a blog, I might actually force myself to write regularly which is always a problem when you’ve got a busy life.
I thought I would start my first blog post by posting my New Year’s Resolutions.  Now I mentally make resolutions every year but seldom write them down so there is generally no-one else but myself to witness my failure to keep them.  I think if I write them down and publish them for people to see it might actually spur me on to try and stick to them.  Or at least not give up on them as early as usual!
I decided to keep my resolutions fairly simple.  I have any number of things I would like to accomplish this year but if I list them all I will be setting myself up for failure.  So I will give my five top resolutions that I want to keep all year plus a single monthly task and report each month to see how I’m doing.
My top five resolutions for 2011 are:
1 – To be more mindful of our spending.  We could do to try to keep certain expenses a bit more under control and be more careful with our money.
2 – To take my thyroid medication consistently.   Some people are very good at remembering to take tablets but I am not one of them.  When I had to take a course of antibiotics last year, I used an appointment book to write down what I took and that seemed to work better for me so I might try that with this resolution.
3 – To use my gym membership.  The local gym had a great offer on membership – half-price to be exact.  My goal is to at least use it enough that it justifies the money spent on it.
4 – To try to keep on top of my office clutter.  My office is the worst room in the house for mess as everything seems to gravitate towards it.  I need to be more ruthless with throwing things out.
5 – To spend more meaningful time with my husband and kids.  Now at the moment, I am a stay-at-home Mum so I have time but sometimes it’s very hard to break out of I-must-sort-the-house/dinner/laundry mode and just focus on being a Mum or a wife.  I think I could do better in that department.
The focus for the month of January is going to be the surface of my desk.  I have any number of things on it that either belong elsewhere or need to be dealt with.  The rest of my office is not the work of a day but the desktop certainly is.  I would like to have my desk as a desk – not a place of clutter.
Anyhow – before I do any of this, I must be off to bed because keeping the kids up to see the New Year in has made us all very sleepy today.  Here is a photo of our midnight firework.

And here is a photo of my little Sweet-Pea at Stonehenge.  Grandma had never been there so my husband took them both during the last day of 2010.
And this is a photo of the rock that my daughter insisted they take a photo of.  
Why?  “Because I love it Daddy.” 
That’s why.

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